[Chief Prosecutor] Mr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo
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An Aussie in Japan

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Joy Of Joys

One of the lesser known joys of Japan is what I affectionately call the "Izakaya (Pub) - Karaoke - Stumble-Out-Drunk-And-Hurry-To-Catch-The-Shuuden (Last train)" process.

This is a tradition that I picked up in Japan whereby you
  1. go with a bunch of mates to a pub - drink, eat, and drink some more;
  2. crawl to the nearest Karaoke joint - drink, eat, sing, drink, drink, sing, and drink some more; and
  3. then when you realise that you're late, you're horribly, horribly late, and that you only have 10 minutes until the last train for the evening leaves... and you stumble away, or perhaps walk at a brisk pace, depending on how drunk you are.
-----------------------------Out at Karaoke----------------------------

--------These are just a few of the many drinking stages---------

The educated observer will note that the can in my hand is a VB can... that is because I was in Sydney, Australia when the photo was taken. Yup... this 'process' can be transplanted anywhere... it's not just limited to Japan!


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