On my way back to Japan, I had to spend one night in LA, so I organised to meet a friend of mine to crash at his place for the night. I manage to catch a shuttle bus from LAX into the city, and I tell the guy that I want to go to the corner of X & Y streets. So he drives, and drives, and drives some more, and then turns to me and says "Tell me when we get close."
What the hell?!? Why doesn't he know where it is? I toyed with the idea of saying "You're getting warmer... warmer... ooh! now you're freezing!!" and see how he reacts.
So I get off at the next corner. I could think of at least half a dozen things better than walking around for an hour (waiting for my friend to come and pick me up) with what was starting to feel like 500 kgs on my back, so I got to the corner cafe and ordered a latte. A seemingly simple task, but the lady behind the counter asks me,
[her] "kannerte kjernoij fosiu?"
[me] "What what?"
Not only did I not understand the question, I really didn't understand it, so I reckoned that it warranted saying 'what' twice in quick succession.
[her] "Corn, wheat, soy or no-fat?"
I'm thinking "I ordered a latte, didn't I? Not a damn breakfast cereal... oh, hang on.... this must be milk... quick, say something before she thinks you're an idiot."
[me] "No-wheat.... I mean, no-fat."
Dammit. She smiles at me like I'm an idiot. Smooth, Kallun. Well done.
[her] "prats kyuller menem?"
What what?? I'm on the verge on a break-down now. I've been travelling for 10 bloody hours since before the crack of bloody dawn... I'm tired with what is now the mother of all bloody migraines... and while I'm at it, why the hell do they have to drive on the wrong bloody side of the road... and why don't they just include the tip in the actual cost of the product/service, and stop forcing me to do the mental gymnastics necessary to calculate the tip... and why is this girl still grinning at me... I don't care if you put untreated bloody uranium in it, just give me my damn coffee!
[her] "Your name please."
[me] "Oh. Kallun."
I'm fingering my passport in my pocket, wondering whether America being at national security level yellow requires me to verify my identity in order to buy a coffee... apparently not.
Some random photos I took in Guatemala...
--------------------- Grafitti..... Guatemalan style ---------------------
--------------------- Tikal - Mayan Pyramids ---------------------
--------------------- Panajachel ---------------------
She wanted your name so she could write it on your cup and call you when your coffee was ready, right? It's a lot better than having someone walk out with my coffee when the girl just puts it on the counter.
Anonymous, at 12:47 AM
BUT they never spell it right. I get "Lorren" or "Loren" all the damn time. I can only imagine what they did to your name.
Loz, at 8:45 PM
I'm about to beat you senseless with your own spleen. Where is the new post?!
Loz, at 4:59 PM
OK, cut the crap please.
Loz, at 11:49 PM
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